About Laura...

My goal is to get you on the least amount of supplements and medications necessary. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses dietary and lifestyle changes along with Acupuncture and Herbs to bring you to an optimum state of health. TCM changed my life. I was the person that got sick when a bug first circulated the community and then again after everyone else had it. I was always sick, but that changed once I treated myself to regular acupuncture treatments. I received a course of facial rejuvenation acupuncture (ten treatments once a week), which also works on improving your overall health. Once the course was completed, not only did I look younger and fresher, I rarely ever got sick again. (And the effects have lasted years.) Acupuncture is a very important part of my health routine! Please see below for my personal testimonies as to what Chinese Medicine has personally done for me lately!
Alternative medicine has always been my first love. While working at a law firm, I decided I needed a change. I was a single mother and my daughter had many health issues requiring treatment with Western medicine. We were not happy about the side effects and the usually ineffective medications my daughter was constantly put on. So to change the direction of our lives, I thought, “What matters the most to me? What interests me?” Alternative medicine! Natural healing!
That’s when I began my schooling at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. After a year of study there, I relocated to Los Angeles and received my Master’s degree (in 2008) at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, California. In the four year program, I was taught Traditional Oriental Medicine by many superior doctors from China, most of them with Western medical degrees as well. (Click here for a list of the classes required before graduating from the Master's Degree program) I will always be grateful to my teachers and I am still in contact with them today. It was a wonderful experience that has lead me to a wonderful life helping people naturally achieve better health. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine opened the door for me to come to Hawaii, the place I've wanted to live in since I was a small child. And I was lucky enough to land in Hilo, Hawaii!
SHINGLES - I had shingles in 2015. I was under a lot of stress and it came on quickly. I had some tingling on one side of my spine, that got my attention, and the next morning a small patch of bumps appeared. I knew right away it was shingles and started taking a couple Chinese herbal formulas. The shingles never got bigger than the size of a quarter and was NEVER PAINFUL. I used a topical formula for the itch. While I cannot guarantee similar responses, I do know of another lady that had shingles clear up with these formulas after having 5 weeks of shingles and pain. At the worst my back felt was "tired" by the end of the day. The worst part was keeping away from everyone since I was contagious.
TENDONITIS - One afternoon my foot started swelling up and was getting more painful by the minute. Throbbing, hot, pain would come in waves. I could not walk on it. Used a rolling stool to get around my house. I took some advil (with acute pain and swelling like that, I will take an anti-inflammatory), applied a Chinese Medicine topical formula and rested with my foot elevated. The pain subsided that night and thereafter never came back. My foot did swell up again that afternoon (I hadn't elevated it, had been using it) and once again the next day, ever so slightly. My foot was back to normal in 4 days.
IRREGULAR BLOOD PRESSURE - Felt strange, took blood pressure and it was very low. Took a Chinese formula and have not felt bad or had too low blood pressure since!
CHRONIC SINUS ISSUES - A Neti pot and the most fantastic nose spray has made my sinuses better than they've been my entire life.
Staph infection - I had a spot on my cheek (brought on by a nick of a kitten's claw). Using herbal formulas and poultice of bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and colloidal silver, this spot was gone within the week. Unfortunately, I ran out of one of the formulas and had more spots pop up. I tried a western antibiotic, which just made me sick, and ended up back on the Chinese formulas. These formulas really sped up the healing process and I will never run out of them again!
Alternative medicine has always been my first love. While working at a law firm, I decided I needed a change. I was a single mother and my daughter had many health issues requiring treatment with Western medicine. We were not happy about the side effects and the usually ineffective medications my daughter was constantly put on. So to change the direction of our lives, I thought, “What matters the most to me? What interests me?” Alternative medicine! Natural healing!
That’s when I began my schooling at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. After a year of study there, I relocated to Los Angeles and received my Master’s degree (in 2008) at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, California. In the four year program, I was taught Traditional Oriental Medicine by many superior doctors from China, most of them with Western medical degrees as well. (Click here for a list of the classes required before graduating from the Master's Degree program) I will always be grateful to my teachers and I am still in contact with them today. It was a wonderful experience that has lead me to a wonderful life helping people naturally achieve better health. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine opened the door for me to come to Hawaii, the place I've wanted to live in since I was a small child. And I was lucky enough to land in Hilo, Hawaii!
SHINGLES - I had shingles in 2015. I was under a lot of stress and it came on quickly. I had some tingling on one side of my spine, that got my attention, and the next morning a small patch of bumps appeared. I knew right away it was shingles and started taking a couple Chinese herbal formulas. The shingles never got bigger than the size of a quarter and was NEVER PAINFUL. I used a topical formula for the itch. While I cannot guarantee similar responses, I do know of another lady that had shingles clear up with these formulas after having 5 weeks of shingles and pain. At the worst my back felt was "tired" by the end of the day. The worst part was keeping away from everyone since I was contagious.
TENDONITIS - One afternoon my foot started swelling up and was getting more painful by the minute. Throbbing, hot, pain would come in waves. I could not walk on it. Used a rolling stool to get around my house. I took some advil (with acute pain and swelling like that, I will take an anti-inflammatory), applied a Chinese Medicine topical formula and rested with my foot elevated. The pain subsided that night and thereafter never came back. My foot did swell up again that afternoon (I hadn't elevated it, had been using it) and once again the next day, ever so slightly. My foot was back to normal in 4 days.
IRREGULAR BLOOD PRESSURE - Felt strange, took blood pressure and it was very low. Took a Chinese formula and have not felt bad or had too low blood pressure since!
CHRONIC SINUS ISSUES - A Neti pot and the most fantastic nose spray has made my sinuses better than they've been my entire life.
Staph infection - I had a spot on my cheek (brought on by a nick of a kitten's claw). Using herbal formulas and poultice of bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and colloidal silver, this spot was gone within the week. Unfortunately, I ran out of one of the formulas and had more spots pop up. I tried a western antibiotic, which just made me sick, and ended up back on the Chinese formulas. These formulas really sped up the healing process and I will never run out of them again!